Later in 2012, a friend at a local and prominent ministry heard we were planning to leave Houston. They were opening a new campus and were searching for a campus pastor. My friend was overseeing the search. We met and talked over lunch, and later visited the campus location and the town where we were to live. It was a great town, great schools for our little daughter, and still within driving distance from Houston. We could visit our family and friends. We thought that perhaps God was presenting us with a good intermediate step. So we prayed. In that season of prayer, two things happened that cemented our move to Connecticut. One evening, my wife was in prayer as she was going through her nightly routine and she felt a prompting from God asking the question: “What is your main reason for taking this position?” The main reason was clear: Job security and familiarity.
Leaving everything would be a great sacrifice. We had done it once before, so we knew what it would take. But now with a little baby and a decade later, the stakes were higher. We were making a decision that would not only affect our lives, but it would affect our daughter’s life. We were going from a place where our friendships were established, our finances were stable, we had a paycheck, health insurance, a favorite restaurant, and a trusty mechanic (those are hard to come by!), and we would be leaving to go to a land where we knew no one. So taking a job as campus pastors one hour north of Houston was attractive. But that simple question made it clear to us that we were not considering our calling or God’s will, we were considering saving our lives, and saving what we had established instead of losing it all for the sake of our Lord. And then, the second thing happened, and it sealed our decision in our hearts.
On December 14th, when the news of the Newtown School shooting shook the world, there was only one question in our hearts: “Why aren’t we there to comfort and embrace the people?”. That’s when we knew. God in His infinite wisdom was calling us to Connecticut, and in His kindness was giving us an out. Were we to take that job and stay nearby, He would still bless us and use us, but we would not have the joy of answering His call to come to Connecticut. And so, in June of 2013, we packed the largest Penske truck we could find, and we took the 3-day journey to Stamford, Connecticut.