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Love One Another

By December 11, 2012No Comments

My wife and I have been serving in ministry together for over 11 years. In all these years we’ve served in many different capacities. Through the seasons and different areas there was one common thread; one element that was a constant and the lifeblood of the part we played: Love. Jesus said “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35 ESV). I believe this is our responsibility to every generation that has gone before us, and to all the ones to come. We have the opportunity to not only tell the world of Jesus’ love, but to love them like he did daily.

We want to live our lives for this cause.

We want to love people for a lifetime.

We want to build His church in our lifetime.

We want to change the world.

We encourage you to do the same in your community!

Jesus Loves You!


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