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A local cause we have embraced

By October 18, 2013No Comments

The past few weeks we have been working with HopeLine Pregnancy Resource Center in an effort to establish a Pregnancy Center here in Stamford, CT. HopeLine is a Pro-Life establishment that provides love, support, and resources to women who may be pregnant. They provide pregnancy tests, sonograms and other educational services, all FREE of charge. Currently they have offices in Bridgeport and Danbury – we are working on establishing an office here in Stamford by Jan. 2014.

HopeLine has been in business for 27 years and has attempted to move into Stamford before, however the right doors never opened. Soon after we arrived here in Stamford to begin ConnectCommunity.TV, we were introduced to the CEO and Director of HopeLine and they told us the time is NOW. JD and I felt like it was a God connection, so I immediately began helping HopeLine find an establishment here in the city. I have also been doing research on local resources that they can provide for women.

HopeLine began 2013 with a projected goal of 1,000 pregnancy tests, 700 ultrasounds, and 500 choices for life. I am happy to say that they are reaching their goals.  On November 14, HopeLine will have their first Stamford Fundraiser.  We found out this week that they have a matching donor for the first $25,000, which is pretty exciting.  This Fundraiser will determine how soon the Stamford office will open its doors; we know that Stamford is where they need to be.

ConnectCommunity.TV is dedicated to speaking up for those that cannot speak for themselves (Pv. 31). Among others we know that God grieves the loss of His unborn children, and that life begins at the moment God breathes life into us (Gen. 2:7).  That is why we are committed to helping women find hope and purpose in a time of great uncertainty.  God promises to be by our side when we face difficulties (Deut. 31:6).  Our heartfelt desire is to shine His light and provide women with a glimpse of hope and purpose when faced with an unexpected pregnancy.  We know that these children are no surprise to God and that while still in the womb, God is intricately forming them (Psalm 139).

So we ask you to join us in prayer.  Pray that God would open the doors for the perfect office. Pray for finances to come in, and pray for the right staff/volunteers to get on broad. Finally, pray for the mothers-to-be and the children whom God so loves and has destined for greatness.

Alini Müller

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