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What’s Good About Good Friday?

By March 25, 2016No Comments

Good Friday, Really?!

Today is Good Friday.  A day in history that, despite its name, is filled with injustice, betrayal, and apparent defeat.  Good Friday was anything but “good”.  It was the day the world turned its back on the divine and on the best humanity had been offered.  Jesus quietly received the judgment we gave him, not because it was just, but because he had already said “yes” to us, and had placed His life in our hands.  God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son to give us life, and we, although having been recipients of His life, gave Him our death.  Good Friday would have been the day humanity killed “Good” itself, except…


The story of Easter is filled with triumph, victory, and justice overcoming the hardest of circumstances.  But beyond what could be portrayed as Jesus’s own personal victory is the question:


Why did Jesus go through it? Why would a man many testified to be perfect and blameless endure such pain and shame? And what is the significance of Easter in 2016?

Join us this Sunday and you’ll discover that no matter your past, your religious affiliations and experiences, Easter is much closer to you than you might think.

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